
art + design ? | santiago, chile

New web site, finally.

Mar - 2 | Filed Under News

After long time without web site here I´m again, with the little help of WordPress (fight!!).
Here is my blogov and also I have my works in art + design + graphics + cultural producction and other issues. Enjoy and feel free to make contactov.

“No es la conciencia lo que determina la vida, sino la vida lo que determina la conciencia”

“It’s not conscience that determines life, but life that determines conscience”

Karl Marx


One Response to “New web site, finally.”

  1. Shual » Shualinks: Ricardo Vega on April 19th, 2009 8:20 pm

    […] is a graphic Designer and the founder of Agencia TXT. He is active in the Chilian design scene and is one of the orginizers of the SCL design events. […]

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